Friday, September 3, 2010

Persistence is a "Lady"!

Have absolutely no idea what I am doing here.

Do I like to write- NO! Because I love to talk!
Do I intend to write in future- like hell, NO! Because I can spend my time in trillions of better ways than writing about my random passing thoughts or moods which is so transitory yet insanely frequent. If nothing, then I rather take some carwax and shine my car and take pride in it! Then, what the &#$% am I doing here?

When a person persistently, continously, honestly requests someone for months together to do something as simple as open a page and write something, anything, which does not deliver any loss to anyone in today's world, not many people can refuse such a pristine demand! Atleast I couldn't.

Flashback: It all started with this fair-ish, cute-ish, fat-ish kid with whom I spend atleast 2.5 hours daily (hold your thoughts- we "cattle class" use our office transport and unfortunately for her, it makes her my "shuttle-mate") sending me a link to her freshly prepared snack "a poem in hindi written in English". Common knowledge- I am "Literature" challenged, hence could not eat or digest the "snack".  To add insult to injury, I even had the guts to challenge her rational intent to create such a potion!

After that, series of knowledge enhancement sessions began for me on what all revelations a blog can do to a human, to make me a convert in this religion of bloggers! What started as requests gradually became threats and almost turned into assualts on me- wherein my "s-mate" kept firing me with her incessant doses of "what do you call.." series of PJs which gave my brain cells instantaneous blue screens!

Finally I decided, enough is enough and hence just to save myself from the brink of insanity, I am here, trying to create something out of nothing! I donot know how productive I would be or who would benefit from what I, if I, write here, but that would atleast change the climate of 2.5 hours of my waking hours!

Come to think of it, everytime I ever did anything important in my life was due to the insistence and later persistence of a woman. My mom continuously persuading me to get married (that was a mistake on my side by listening to her!), My wife continuously pushing me to loose weight (valliant attempts meets the dust every now and then!), My sister frustrating me to quit smoking (I have atleast reduced!). Thats what makes me think- Persistence is a "Lady"!

Anyways, I am in now! And I hope to have fun! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect start. :)
    I don't know what you have achieved with this post :) A broad smile on your s-mate's face.
    Though get your facts right for the next post :) (I am not FAT) :P

    Do I intend to write in future- like hell, NO! Ofcourse you will write, I will continue to persevere :)

    Three cheers!!! Hip Hip Hurray.
